The music scene in Northeast India is yet to establish considering the potential it offers. In recent times though, there has been an observed increase of live music and it appears to be happening all over the region.
One can now catch the hottest music makers in action either at a pub, a restaurant, at a rock concert, or even a hardcore metal gig.
No doubt the tempo is picking. But closing on the heels of this undergoing development of the scene are drawbacks. Such as the lack of venues for getting musicians from across the country and abroad, to strut and strum their stuff alongside the various Northeastern acts.
Lately, the impact of the internet, has brought about a productive change, and it has brought about a mutual benefit between musicians and fans. Artists release singles digitally and gradually have their songs on various handsets and smart devices, through digital download with the
help of Social Media and Streaming Platforms.
There has to be an increase in the number of venues and good event companies with a vision and an aim to give bands a launch pad. Where they can entertain all sphere of the local demography both young and old, depending on the different taste and preferences of the lot.
One can comment that a promising outcome stemming out of the scenario here, is that the action has been ripping across genres so there’s something for everyone. Whether it’s rock or metal is your idea of musical nirvana you can head to shows that host such acts. On the flip- side if it’s ElecTRONica, then you can get yourself latched to a different pub/clubs that brings the dancing and thumping activities on the floor.
A place like the Northeast, big scale events and festivals are hard to come, finding a sponsor is the biggest spanner in the works. Corporate presence here is not substantial and another issue here is the attitude across the board that needs change. Whether it’s music stores, auditorium owners, record labels, or radio stations, people have to open and encourage original music. Entertainment in the form of music here should be recognised as ‘work’ too and underlines the needs for corporate interest and backing. Hence, this will enable the music scene in Northeast India to further establish itself. And perhaps create a space for further collaboration, and sales, considering the rise of digitally released music.